What does Saturday Night mean actually?

I'm just confused that most people always think that Saturday Night is a (very) special night. On a Saturday Night, some people tend to feel that "I must spend this night outside! I don't wanna stay at home!" 
However, some people just stay at home because they don't have any planning to go out on a Saturday Night. As I see, most couple (feel that they must) spend the Saturday Night together. So, single people are always teased by statements like this: "SatNite ngapain aja?" "SatNite di rumah aja?" "SatNite ditemenin siapa?" etc... (you can find more examples on social media).

I'm wondering, is there any special thing on Saturday Night? Does the time runs slower (or even stop) on Saturday Night? Do the stars in the sky shine brighter on Saturday Night? I don't know. For me, Saturday Night is just an ordinary night, it's just the same with the other nights.... (but you guys may have different opinion)

I'm not a "fan" of Saturday Night. Not because of I'm single. I'm not a type of person who like crowd. Many people go out and all you can find is full restaurants, full parking, etc. So, going out on Saturday Night is not a good choice for me

I ask you once again, what does Saturday Night mean actually? :)

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to GOD be the Glory #sharing

This is just a certificate...
I'm not the only person who got this...
But I have a great story behind this "piece of paper" :')

When I got it yesterday, suddenly I remembered all the things that made this certificate could be mine.

I remembered when I cancelled my first project ("BINUS Square's Got Talent") because there were only one participant -_-
I remembered when I must think hard to make another project, then Manadonese foods suddenly popped in my mind :p 
I remembered when I prepared my first project in a short time. Making the event concept, the proposal, the poster, and the publication were done in one week!
I remembered when I cried a night before the event ("Come, Taste, and Share") because the participants were less than 10 people. In fact, the target participants must be 30 people :'( But I knew that GOD would send me more participants. And He really did it! 36 participants were coming!!! :D
I remembered when I prepared the second project (Seminar "What is Your Personal Brand?") with my partner, Kevin Wira (Project Manager)
I remembered when I made the proposals, posters, final reports and were revised several times hohoho :D
I remembered the joy l felt when I've finished the both projects :')

For me, the certificate was not only made of paper and ink, but deep inside it was made of tears, prayers, laughter, happiness, and other feelings that even words can't describe... #eaaa
God showed me that He's never early, but never too late. This is one of the best parts in my life.

"not because of who I am, but because of what You've done. not because of what I've done, but because of who You are..."

I got this because of Him
There's nothing I can do than giving thanks to Him and glorify His name through my talents :')
Thank You Jesus for everything...

special thanks to:
- my parents, for fully supporting me in everything 
- my sister, sometimes she can be a great motivator :p
- PDC BINUS Square: kak Greta, kak Cynthea, kak Bernat, kak Ella, ko Aris, kak Rani (ex PDC). thank you so much  for trusting me to become one of Duta Binusian BINUS Square, thanks for all your guidance and making me "get out" from my comfort zone
- Kevin Wira, my partner in the second project (Seminar "What is Your Personal Brand?"). thanks for cooperating with me in a great way!!
- the "best DuBin BS group" ever!!! kak Cynthea, Kevin, ko Oeinarto, ko Kevin, ko Ridwan, and Ledwin. thanks for all your support and help. also, thanks for the friendship we share!
- all the participants of "Come, Taste, and Share" and Seminar "What is Your Personal Brand?" I can't mention your name one by one (especially Kawanua  Binusian boarders who joined "Come, Taste, and Share". I knew you all  miss Manadonese foods so bad, haha!)
- all my friends who have helped me preparing the both projects (Mario, Inti, Jacky, and all Kawanua Binusians boarders)

may GOD bless you all :')

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