I've listened to that interview 3 times :D
Here are some interesting and funny answers by Liam...
Q: Hal apa yang paling menarik waktu rekaman di studio?
A: Katanya, Niall sings without his t-shirt on!! *what?* Maybe he sings better without it. Who knows...
Q: Kenapa album kedua diberi judul "Take Me Home"?
A: Karena mereka (One Direction) sering banget tur kesana-kemari sehingga jauh dari rumah, and they miss their home and their family so much. Makanya mereka kayak pengen bilang "Take Me Home" gitu dari segala kesibukan-kesibukan tur mereka. Other reasons, kata Liam album itu kayak ngomong ke kita "Take Me Home", maksudnya dibeli trus dibawa pulang ke rumah gitu, hahaha!! Dengan kata lain "take our album home". Daaannn, ini nih alasan yang paling WOW yang Liam bilang. Katanya, saat ketemu cewek yang menarik gitu katanya dia pengen "take her home", aawwww *,* Kalau gue, take me to your heart aja deh, hahaha *apaan sih* :p
Q: Apa lyrics fovorit Liam di lagu "Live While We're Young"?
A: "Let me think about it, this is a difficult one" itulah kalimat yang Liam bilang saat dia dengar pertanyaan itu. And finally he said "I know we only met but let's pretend it's love" (if you asked me the same question, I'd have the same answer!!) Emang sih lirik di bagian itu kesannya gimanaa gituuu, haha!! :D
Wanna listen to the whole interview? Here's the link guys...
Enjoy it!! :D
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